13 Common Dog Behavior Questions and Answers (2022 Edition)

A cute, confused little dog looking back at you with puppy dog eyes. Common Dog Behavior Questions, concept.

Common dog behavior questions and answers will help you understand your dog better and help you get more out of your relationship with your pet.

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12 Tips for Training an Older Dog

The dog in this picture has a pair of red reading glasses on as he reads a book called "New Tricks." Training An Older Dog, concept.

Training an older dog is all about love, patience, and guidance. In order to successfully train a senior pet, you must show patience for your dog as well as love. 

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Dog Walking Tips for the Best Experience

Young lady pulled by her dog. Dog walking tips, concept.

Do you want to learn some dog walking tips and tricks?   Do you find yourself complaining to fellow dog owners that your dog pulls you on its walks? Do you have hurt arms and shoulders?

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Schutzhund Dog Training

Schutzhund working dog sketches. Illustration of dog trainers using Schutzhund training techniques. Schutzhund dog training concept.

Schutzhund Dog Training arose in Germany in the early parts of the 1900s to try out German Shepherd’s capabilities to be police dogs.

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61 Questions to Ask a Dog Trainer

Dog trainer teaching a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever the sit command in the park. Another dog is observing nearby. Dog Trainer concept.

Do you have a list of questions to ask a dog trainer? Do you know how you will  decide who to trust with your dog’s training, care, and education? 

Las Vegas offers some of the best trainers to help your dog become a respectful family member.  

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15 Tips to Stop Your Dog from Jumping on You

Do you want to stop your dog from jumping on you? This owner is teaching her dog the sit command in this image.

Do you want to stop your dog from jumping on you? If so, read on!  

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