Brain Training Your Dog (17 Game Ideas Used by Adrienne Farricelli)

A man controls a video game with a joystick in both hands, and a dog controls a joystick with its paws. A pet plays games with a man and forms a deep bond. Brain Training Your Dog, concept.

Brain training your dog will be much easier if you have the right tools. Using dog brain training games, you can train your dog to respond to cues and behave in a specific way when you give a command.


Your dog can stay mentally fit and active with brain training games. While dogs may not be able to take tests or go to college, they can still benefit from training programs.

By keeping your dog's brain active and running at full capacity, games and exercises help keep their minds engaged. 

When looking for various games for your pup, it's essential to find one that is both fun and engaging.

With this in mind, your dog should enjoy the activity and the company of other dogs if other dogs are part of your daily routine. 

In the event that they don't want to play or interact with other humans or dogs, it probably isn't the right fit.

Important to realize, there are various ways to engage your dog's mind, from fetching toys to playing games like hide-and-seek. 

As with any exercise, you will get more bang for your buck if you invest in something well-designed and carefully constructed to last over time.

Two Beagles playing chess on a white background in a studio.

Why You Should Start Brain Training Your Dog

As humans, we tend to take our lives for granted. We spend so much time indoors that it can be easy to forget just how amazing the natural world is. When you have a dog as your constant companion, you take them for granted too.

From this perspective, you become so used to having your pup around all the time that you don't realize how beneficial regular dog-focused activities like dog walks and playing fetch every day can be for both of you.

To put it differently, brain training is one of these activities that many pet owners fail to take advantage of with their dogs. The reason why this is? Because it's not something that most people think about when they get a new pet.

However, the benefits are endless in helping your dog learn new tricks and improve their cognitive abilities, which will only help them in the long run.

On a day with mixed clouds and sun, puppies are frolicking in an expansive open field.

Dogs Are Intelligent

It's easy to underestimate a dog's intelligence, but it's important to give them some thought and consideration when it comes to training.

While dogs may be social creatures, they're also brilliant. They can learn much just by watching and interacting with humans, so they're eager to learn new tricks and commands.

Dogs aren't born knowing how to sit or roll over on command – brain training your dog is so important!

Try to take things slowly at first to keep your dog from getting bored or frustrated during training sessions.

Be patient with yourself and your dog as you work through the steps, and remember that you both have something to learn. 

You’re not only teaching your canine what a good pet should do but also helping your pet develop social skills that can be helpful in their day-to-day lives.

17  Dog Brain Training Games by Adrienne Farricelli


The Treasure Hunt Game


The Muffin Game


The Ball Pit Game


Jazz Up and Settle Down


The Bottle Game



The Bobbing For Treats Game


The Shell Game


The Open Sesame Game


The Magic Carpet Game


The Hot and Cold Game


The Serpentines Game


The Name Recognition Game


The Tidy Up Game


The Ring Stackers Game


Play The Piano Game


The Look at That Game

A Jack Russell Terrier is searching for treats in a dog playing an Intellectual game. Brain Training Your Dog, Concept.

What Is Brain Training for Dogs?

Brain training is a behavioral therapy aimed at improving a dog's cognitive abilities by teaching them new tricks, skills, and behaviors.

Basically, it's a way of helping your dog learn new skills, such as focusing, problem-solving, and being less anxious. Therefore, this stimulates their brain to be active and engaged, allowing them to learn more effectively.

The most popular kinds of brain games focus on training your dog to perform tricks, like fetch or a simple sit or down. These tricks are popular because they teach your dog a series of specific commands, like "stay" or "no."

The idea is that this will make them better at life in general and, in particular, handling stressful situations like going to the veterinarian or meeting new people.

Your dog's reactions to certain situations might be due to them being unprepared to handle them, as they haven't been properly trained.

Brain training can help your dog better cope with these types of stressful situations in the future.

Brain Training Your Dog for a Healthier Lifestyle!

You can't put a price on the joy of seeing your dog learn new tricks and skills and see their brains light up as they make progress.

Another benefit of brain training is that it helps your dog stay mentally and physically active.

Moreover, this can be especially important as your dog ages, and its metabolism slows down, making them more prone to health problems like arthritis.

Furthermore, training your dog for cognitive enrichment has many incredible benefits. 

First of all, it helps to keep your dog in shape. We've all been guilty of letting our dogs get lazy over the years, so having a regular 'gym session' with them will help to keep them fit and healthy.

Brain training your dog is an exceptionally mentally stimulating activity that requires focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills. It's no surprise that it can help your dog's mood by reducing its level of anxiety.

An intelligent dog is looking for tasty dried treats in an intellectual game and eating them up close. Brain games are also used to train nose work with a pet.

How to Train Your Dog for Brain Games

First of all, you want to choose games that are age-appropriate for your pet. 

Your dog may play some games occasionally or continuously, depending on their personality and activity level. The duration of each game session is critical when playing dog brain games.

Nevertheless, find a training style that works for your dog. Some dogs are more anxious and might be better suited to one type of training over another.

In like manner, keep your training sessions fun and engaging for your dog.

As a result, this will help them stay motivated and eager to learn.

Thus, some dogs prefer to do tricks in a structured environment, while others might be more interested in playing around during their training.

A dog looks up and is ready to play ball with its owner in a park.

Teach Your Dog Basic Tricks for Good Behavior 

If your dog isn't too young or if they've never had any formal training before, you might want to ease into the game by starting with basic tricks, like “sit” or “down.”

These tricks will teach your dog to respond to simple commands like "no" or "stay." 

If you have a younger pup just starting on basic tricks and training, you might consider investing in a basic training collar first.

Not to mention, these collars can help your dog feel more comfortable around humans and more effective in learning new commands.

Besides, they're good for encouraging your dog to listen to you and not pull on the leash or engage in annoying behaviors, like chewing or pawing at the furniture.

A white puppy caught running in action as he plays with balls on the green grass.

The Benefits of Brain Games for Dogs

Brain training your dog with games, puzzles, and other fun activities can help them learn new things and improve their mental abilities.

By challenging your dog to games like “Find it!” or “Spot it!” you’re encouraging them to think, use their senses, and become more active.

In general, training your dog to perform tricks will improve its comprehension through brain games, which have many tremendous benefits. 

Help build your dog's confidence: Learning tricks and remembering how to perform them can help develop your dog's confidence in themselves and you.

Help your dog socialize: If your dog loves spending time with you, it might also enjoy practicing with you in front of friends and family. On that account, this is a great way to socialize with your dog in public spaces.

By challenging your dog to games or other activities with other dogs, you’re helping them to learn how to behave with other dogs in a controlled manner.

Playing brain games with your dog can help to stimulate their minds and keep them mentally sharp, due to their highly developed sense of smell.

The more energy they have, the more they want to play again as soon as you finish!

Which Games Are Best for Beginners?

Brain training your dog is excellent for your improving your relationship with your furry friend.

With that said, many great games are available to train your pup's brain.

Whether you’re looking for something to keep your dog busy and active or you want to develop a specific skill, there’s a dog training game out there for everyone. 

And if you're concerned your dog won't like a particular training game, don't hesitate to mix things up and try something new!

Your dog will be excited to try out all the new activities, and you'll have an active dog eager to learn.

Now, look at some of the best dog training games available and how you can start training your dog today!

A small dog playing with a toy ball in the backyard.

Throw a Ball Game

Throwing a ball is a great game to play when you're outdoors.

To play this game, throw a ball for your dog to chase after or play fetch by throwing the ball for your dog to bring back to you.

With this game, you help your dog burn off some of its energy and help decrease its stress and anxiety by providing exercise.

Additionally, this is also a great game to help keep your dog fit and healthy

A German shepherd running through skittles cones. Dog exercise, concept.

Find It

Find It is a great game to teach your dog how to focus. Also, this game is excellent for dogs who like to wander and sniff.

You first hide an item somewhere in your house, and your dog is then tasked with finding it.

Next, to ensure your dog has a good chance of finding the hidden object that is easy for them to see. 

Finally, once your dog has found the object, give them lots of praise and a treat!

If you want to teach your dog to pay attention and follow commands, this is a great activity to do.

It's also a good game for people because watching your dog go around looking for something when they search for the item is very satisfying.

Learning how to use their nose and paw pads is vital for dogs, so this is an excellent way to practice those skills.

The key here is teaching your dog that the game's goal isn't necessarily the toy itself; it's learning that following commands can lead to a reward.

A dog is playing a game of chess while wearing glasses.

Roll for Rewards

If you're looking to teach your dog to roll over, the first step is to ensure that your dog has a basic understanding of the command.

Roll for Rewards is a fun and easy way to teach your dog many new behaviors.

Dogs learn by association, so teaching them with rewards is an effective way to get them to do things you want them to do.

With this method, you can use various rewards to entice your dog to perform any desired behavior.

By rewarding your dog when they perform the desired behavior, you can get them to do things that benefit both of you.

Start by teaching your dog to sit and work your way up to rolling over.

When you are ready for your dog to start rolling, start with small movements, and be sure to reward your dog for each successful roll.

When your dog can roll over on their own, you can increase the duration of the rolls and the number of times per day you want them to try. 

Once your dog is reliably rolling on command, you can add rewards like food or playtime as a motivator.

Keep it positive and fun, so you both enjoy the training process!

Hide the Treat

Hide the Treat is a great way to teach your dog that there are many ways to solve problems and that each solution might take a different path.

It also demonstrates how well your dog can figure out where things are in the house.

Teach your dog to pay attention to his surroundings by hiding small treats around the house.

For example, hide a treat in a cabinet and then shut the cabinet door. When your dog finds the treat, reward them with it, and then try another location for a second treat.

As a result, this simple game will help build your dog's attention span and help him learn how to pay attention to cues in his environment.

In addition, this game will help your dog learn that there are different ways to solve problems and that it doesn't always have to go directly to the most obvious places.

Thus, you can help teach your dog essential problem-solving skills with this game.

A Golden Retriever dog sits close to the screen in a picturesque green garden.

In the Final Analysis

Brain training your dog is a great way to encourage mental stimulation in your pet and help them stay active as they age. Training your dog for cognitive enrichment can be a fun way to improve your dog's overall health and social skills.

It's also great to build your bond with your dog and encourage them to listen to you.

There are several different games you can try for brain games for your dog. You can create games based on your dog's likes and dislikes.

Brain training can also make your dog more outgoing and confident when interacting with people and other dogs.

The good thing is that many games are simple and easy to learn. All you have to do is find games engaging for both of you and keep training sessions short and fun.

If you do this, you and your dog will be glad you took the time to train for improved cognitive enrichment.

Brain training has many benefits, including improved mood, social skills, and mental health.

Whatever you decide to try, you'll be glad you did when you see how much better your dog is doing and how much happier your life is because you're spending more time with your dog!