Schutzhund Dog Training

Schutzhund working dog sketches. Illustration of dog trainers using Schutzhund training techniques. Schutzhund dog training concept.

Schutzhund Dog Training arose in Germany in the early parts of the 1900s to try out German Shepherd’s capabilities to be police dogs.


Schutzhund is German terminology for “protection dog.” In today’s dog training, Schutzhund includes tracking, obedience, and protection as the Schutzhund training's focal point. 

Structured Schutzhund Dog Training

The central portion of Schutzhund training, initially, have been German Shepherds. 

But in today's practice, there are plenty of training facilities that permit other dog breeds that are reasonably fit, energetic, brave, and bright enough to participate in this thorough training. 

There are plenty of dog owners that think that training their dog is a tedious process. 

A lot of owners believe that their dog is not trainable. But in actuality, both of these opinions are inaccurate. 

Truth be told is that all dogs are trainable, and teaching a dog doesn’t entail a long, drawn-out process. In fact, training a dog can be fun.  

You can put your mind at ease if you can find a dog trainer and ask pertinent questions to ensure that your dog becomes a successful, well-mannered, obedient protector.  

Yes, some dog breeds indeed take less time to train than other breeds. 

For the most part, you have to explore different training methods to ensure that your dog is taught the first time correctly.

Straightforward Training Methods

Schutzhund dog training is a very straightforward, structured operation that has been progressing for over 100 years. 

The distinction with this training method is that it is less harsh to dogs, but remains rigorous enough to assess the dog thoroughly.

At this point, there are plenty of Schutzhund DVDs and videos that can help dog owners at the beginning stages of their training procedures.

Schutzhund can test a dog in numerous certain behaviors that might be excellent for police work like protection, retrieving, tracking, and sniffing. 

The majority of Schutzhund training begins when a dog is a puppy and can go on for weeks or months to ensure that it is the right candidate for the tasks.

Schutzhund Dog Training entails training your dog by using advanced training methods than just your run of the mill obedience training program. 

Overall, you must have an exceptional dog to engage with the Schutzhund dog training methods. .

Dog Should Demonstrate The Following








Strong Connection With Its Handler


Extremely Protective


Stamina and Endurance

The Nature of Schutzhund Training

One of the fundamental keys to successfully training your dog is patience. The trainer can’t give up too quickly when training your dog.

The truth of the matter is that you have to demonstrate a desirable behavior to a dog a few times and use essential reinforcements until the dog finally learns what is wanted from him or her.

Schutzhund training has various training dimensions. Therefore, you and your dog have to prescribe to the training course consistently.  

Dog owner training his dog to lie down. Schutzhund training technique concept.

Three Main Areas of Training

Obedience, Protection, and Tracking will make up the three main areas of Schutzhund dog training.  

Dogs are a huge responsibility, and along with that responsibility is training the dog correctly.

Thus, starting with obedience will help other aspects of the training process.


Typically, the beginning stages of the training entails the handler training the dog.

Eventually, the owner will do their part of training their dog while administered by the handler.

Ultimately, the dog will have to respond and obey the owner.

The central test for Schutzhund training is obedience training. The test consists of a series of commands in obedience training.

Many of the orders focal points typically include a string of drills that involve commands such as sit, lie down, and stand as the handler keeps moving forward.

The obedience stage entails a string of heeling drills, which some are at close range in and around a group of people.

Also, there is a gunshot test in the heeling drills to ensure that the dog doesn’t directly respond to intense sounds.

Obedience training takes place in a wide-open field. The exercises demand complete focus.

In particular, two dogs work in pairs with one dog waiting on one side of the field, while the trainer engages with the other dog. Next, the dogs will alternate positions when the first dog finishes its drills.

Furthermore, the dog should respond to two commands: running straight from its handler and laying down on command away from its handler.

Moreover, regardless of other dogs' completing the same drill, the obedience drills examine the dog’s nature, performance, and readiness to serve and obey its owner.


Tracking involves dogs sniffing out cadavers, drugs, and bombs. 

Targeting and pointing out an object in Schutzhund training can help the dog recognize their specific smell targets, which will help the dog track the object.

Tracking tests your dog's capability to track objects using its scent in addition to its understanding and physical endurance. 

The track contains a few turns. During the tracking drills, the handler follows the dog on a 33-foot leash. 

The dog must find dropped items on the track. With that said, the dog will inform the handler on any dropped items on the way, typically by laying down with the object between its paws and placing its front legs over the object.

The dog will have to stay focus on the current task if they are to score well in this section of the drill.

Overall, tracking helps the dog establish its proficiency in scent, cognitive and physical resilience, and self-reliance because the handler will not prompt the dog with the task.

Dog waiting for command, protection technique concept.


Dogs are an excellent source of protectionSchutzhund training specializes in teaching dogs to recognize a threat or an attack that can potentially harm you.

Aspects of this part of the training demand that your dog is tough, courageous, vigorous, and has incredible endurance to pass this drill.

The protection phase of the training measures the dog’s fortitude, physical strength, and skill.

The handler’s authority of the dog is essential to the success of this stage of the training. 

Protection involves testing your dog's determination and capability to safeguard the handler and itself from a decoy positioned in a blind spot.

Your dog will search among the variety of blind spots to search for the decoy and make known the decoy’s presence by barking.

The dog guards the lure as the trainer approaches both the dog and the decoy.

The decoy will threaten the dog with a stick and charge at the trainer. 

Next, the dog has to grip the assailant on the padded sleeve firmly. The dog then stops on command or when the decoy stops fighting.

Simultaneously, the dog will also chase the decoy if there are any attempts to flee and then hold the decoy with a firm grip.

Now on command, your dog is ordered to release the decoy immediately.

Your dog will be evaluated on its aptitude to control hostility, excitement for its work, and courage.

In Essence

You must be consistent while training your dog. Repetition is how dogs learn to obey, tricks, potty, protect, etc. 

Furthermore, if you want to have any success in leading your dog, you will have to maintain a great deal of composure, consistency, and repetition to how you want your dog to behave.

Schutzhund training provides a skill-set to dogs to finish duties that they are given swiftly and proficiently. 

By the same token, in Schutzhund training, the training method is sufficient as an obedience method for some domesticated dog owners at home.

Your dog will develop favorable and unfavorable associations about the training process throughout the training process and you. 

If enjoyable teaching techniques are employed, then your pup will discover that training is fun.

In like manner, if you use abrasive training techniques, your dog may find that he doesn’t like the training, and you.

Nearly every dog wants to please their master. You have to keep your composure and cool while training your dog.  Don’t get upset if the dog isn’t following instructions completely. 

If you can learn training methods that your dog likes, then you will gain the upper hand and see your dog obey you during the training process.

It’s all trial and error; each dog is different, just as you are different from your fellow friend or family member.

If you think that Schutzhund dog training is right for your pet, then by all means, do thorough research on this specific dog training method.